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Notable Appearances

· Won a reversal in the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Manhattan, allowing the filing of a federal Civil Rights case.  The case seeks damages to compensate a homeowner for his false arrest on completely trumped up criminal charges, which came about as a result of a conspiracy between local police, prosecutors and a "connected" contractor who sought retaliation against the homeowner because of complaints about his work. 

· Sworn in to the Bar of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by Mary Elizabeth Adams at the Nantucket Superior Court.

· Argued before the highest court of New York State, the Court of Appeals in Albany, NY, that a prisoner's appellate counsel had failed to provide adequate legal representation when she neglected to raise on appeal the issue of the introduction of an irrelevant and prejudicial videotape  into evidence at trial.

· Argued in support of a petition for habeas corpus before the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, in a case challenging a "depraved murder" conviction arising out of a drunken driving incident where the prosecutor "threw the book at" the defendant because the victim was the wife of a New York City police officer.  

· Drafted extensive post-settlement motions designed to focus the Norfolk County Probate Court’s attention on an unruly divorce adversary’s gross non-compliance with a previously signed settlement agreement, and negotiated various in-court stipulations that eventually brought about a final settlement.

· Co-authored an Amicus Curiae ("friend of the court") brief to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the American Jewish Congress in a case involving the question whether the placement of a creche in the lobby of a public courthouse violated the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

© Copyright 2019, Lauren G. Klein, Attorney at Law


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